But this app is also useful if someone entered the password for you and then refused to tell you what it was because now you’ll be able to look back on it and connect any other devices you may have to that same Wi-Fi network. In a scenario where you’ve forgotten one of your passwords, you can use the app to refresh your memory and enter the same password on another one of your devices. This more advanced information is intended for wireless tinkerers who want to know more about the networks they’ve joined, but for the average user, just the ability to see the network name and password associated with it is going to be enough.
How to find mac mail password download#
, which is a free download from Cydia’s BigBoss repository, could be of use to you.

If you’ve been in either of these situations, then a called Wifi Passwords List

Have you ever been in a predicament where you’ve needed to use someone’s Wi-Fi network and they wouldn’t tell you the password for it to your face, but they had no problem typing it in for you so you could use the network without knowing what the password was? Or, have you just plain forgotten the password to one of your most-used networks when you have a new machine or device you want to use to connect to it? Most of you probably use a Wi-Fi network on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, and some of them may even require a password to gain access to.