I'll edit if I find anything from official or tested sources. Engineers can work on different modules of a ship, with per-module capabilities ranging from grade 1 to grade 5. There are dangers, however: Neutron Stars are not to be trifled with. Neutron Star Boosting will provide you four times the jump range for a single jump in my 53+ LY jump range Anaconda, I’ve done jumps of 214 LY with a Neutron Boost. That's literally all the information I could pull together, relegated to just facts mentioned by more than one user, and only stuff that isn't contradictory. As of version 2.4 of Elite: Dangerous, you can plot routes in the Galaxy Map using Neutron Boosting. The Standard and Premium variants often feature. Most Synthesis recipes have three variants: Basic, Standard, and Premium. In the Discoveries tab, the galaxy has been broken down into 42 regions. There are three categories, but here only one is meaningful to this guide: the Discoveries. Synthesis recipes can be accessed in the Inventory tab of the right HUD panel, or via the Modules tab by selecting a specific module. The Codex is a way to record your discoveries and progress in the Elite: Dangerous galaxy, and also serves to keep you informed of the latest stories in-game.

#Elite dangerous afmu series#
Low ship integrity directly correlates to a drop in hull integrity. Elite Dangerous Tools was created using assets and imagery from Elite Dangerous, with the permission of Frontier Developments plc, for non-commercial purposes. Elite Dangerous is the Distant Sequel to Frontier: First Encounters and the fourth game in the Elite series of space Simulation Games, developed and published by Frontier Developments.It has an effect on your hull integrity though, and module performance (reportedly). I can't find official documentation on this either, but according to this Frontier Forums post and others like it, ship integrity represents general wear and tear on your ship that's independent of hull integrity and module integrity.